[CAUT] S&S D tenor dampers

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@luther.edu
Sat, 30 Apr 2005 07:49:16 -0500

At 07:22 4/30/2005, you wrote:
>After a recent vigorous concert on an S&S D, a low tenor damper was 
>bleeding.  As it dropped onto the strings, it shifted to one side.  The 
>problem turned out to be that one side of the "W" had folded over the 
>string (see picture).  I straightened it out, and then examined the 
>situation from inside the action cavity (second pic).  The extended "tail" 
>of the wedge was shredded.  It still wasn't damping right, so I went to 
>trim it to match its neighbors.  The loose piece just pulled away in my 
>fingers as I tried to cut it.
>I've never seen dampers extending below the strings so far, but I suppose 
>for low tenor on a D, that's what's necessary.  It looks like the fix is 
>to replace that damper felt, right?  (At least the front half that was 
>It still rings a bit more than I'd like, but at least it drops straight 
>onto the strings.  A tiny amount of added finger pressure does the 
>trick.  I tried lowering the damper wire into its support block a bit, but 
>then the sostenuto tab is too high.  Are there any short-term fixes for 
>tomorrow's concert?
>--Cy Shuster--
>Bluefield, WV

Any felt extending below the level of the string is useless, save 
contributing problems such as your photos show and that great whooshing sound.

Conrad Hoffsommer
Decorah, IA

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