[CAUT] hand and wrist position

Cy Shuster 741662027@theshusters.org
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 04:06:23 -0500

They teach us here to plant an elbow firmly on top of uprights, put the 
handle up, extend the fingers to grab the handle (thumb up), then squeeze 
the hand closed to make a fine adjustment.

Dean Reyburn's going to show us his impact hammer next week, and I'm eager 
to try it.

Class of '06

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Bondi" <phil@philbondi.com>
To: "College and University Technicians" <caut@ptg.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [CAUT] hand and wrist position

> Ok - I tried this today tuning a Baldwin 243. It was really close, so 
> there was not alot of 'force and set' necessary.
> The bottom line is:
> It will take some getting use to. I use a Charles Faulk Hammer with a 
> large ball-end to my specs, and I find the 'nudging' motion that I like to 
> use is much easier pushing up with the meat around my thumb as opposed to 
> the pressure of my fingers going down..which means I like to set from the 
> sharp side.
> Cy, I like it, and I'll get use to it.
> Thanks,
> -Phil Bondi(Fl)

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