[CAUT] Adopt-a-piano... ??

Jeff Tanner jtanner@mozart.sc.edu
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 12:41:04 -0500

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On Nov 11, 2005, at 12:25 PM, Alan Crane wrote:

> A proposal has come from the Dean here at WSU to launch an "Adopt-a- 
> Piano" fund raising strategy similar to the adopt-an-animal  
> programs in place at various zoos around the country.
> Does anyone have either current or past experience with such a  
> program?
> If so, can you give me any idea how it operated, what pianos were  
> involved, and how well (and how long) it worked for your institution?
> I'd also be interested to know any downside or complications that  
> came along with it.

Isn't it sad that we can get all the funding we need in maintenance  
for the computers and copiers but we have to resort to silly private  
donation campaigns to take care of the most rudimental teaching tool  
in the school of music?

In answer to your question, I've thought about something very  
similar, but that's about it.  We have a "dinner theater" event in  
March that we call the "Moveable Musical Feast" for our donors.  I  
thought about seeing if we could add something like this to the  
"donor games" they play, but I wonder if the powers that be might  
reject the idea because it would cut into other programs the event is  
designed to raise money for.

I've also thought about a concert series.


Jeff Tanner, RPT
University of South Carolina

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