[CAUT] Air ratchet/impact tool for stringing?

Jim Harvey harvey@greenwood.net
Sun, 13 Nov 2005 14:41:12 -0500

Kind of a combination of thought of and actually trying... once. From memory only -- there were issues such as: 1) air tools must be oiled -- on an air rachet, the exhausted air also potentially slings oil into places you don't want it to be, unless you wrap the tool in a rag or something; 2) lack of finite/tactile control; 3) air hose has a mind of its own, and you can't watch everything all the time (stretcher protection/scratches). Overall, I seem to remember that it just wasn't worth the bulk and hassle when combined with everything else going on during a restringing.

I suppose it would depend on how -much- and how often restringing is done. I'd also compare it to the recent thread about getting used to an impact tuning lever. The ratchet idea just broke my rhythm, so I reverted to the old methods.

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
>Anyone here ever tried (or thought of trying) an air ratchet for stringing?


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