[CAUT] Air ratchet/impact tool for stringing?

Jeff Olson jlolson@cal.net
Sun, 13 Nov 2005 17:17:20 -0800


"Was my dad's tool of choice. Slow and noisy, but otherwise just fine.
Research from a major manufacturer years ago showed better torque results
from driving the pins, rather than turning them in, though. Also.... gotta
make sure you're not blowing oil or condensation all over the pin field."

I wasn't thinking of driving them in that way -- merely cranking out those 
three coils, replacing my socket wrench with an air ratchet (thus saving my 
shoulder, and speeding up the turning process).

Blowing oil would be a concern, but I use a filter that seems to take care 
of that.  Not to say that I've ever used it on a piano -- it's been cars and 
misc. projects up to now.  But I'm contemplating using it on my next 
stringing job....



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