[CAUT] Teflon and felt bushings

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@luther.edu
Mon, 14 Nov 2005 08:39:51 -0600

At 09:23 AM 11/14/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>I just inspected a 1981 B, and found that the hammer shank bushings are 
>felt, but the wippen bushings are teflon. First of all, when did Steinway 
>stop using the teflon bushings? And second, would Steinway have used 
>teflon wippens and felt shank bushings?  According to the owner of the 
>piano, the hammers have never been replaced.

I did the factory tech week in '82, and at that time they were 
"transitioning" out of teflon.  They were using up the stocks of teflon 
which they had left so that there were a number of hybrids during that period.

Conrad Hoffsommer - Keyboard Technician
Luther College, 700 College Dr., Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
1-(563)-387-1204 // Fax 1-(563)-387-1076

- Right now, I'm hoping to live until my age matches my golf score,
- Until then, I'll have to be content to have my IQ match my handicap.

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