[CAUT] Humidity Blues

David Ilvedson ilvey@sbcglobal.net
Mon, 14 Nov 2005 14:09:02 -0800

I highly recommend the string covers.    

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Andrew Anderson" <andrew@andersonmusic.com>
To: "College and University Technicians" <caut@ptg.org>
Received: 11/14/2005 1:03:56 PM
Subject: [CAUT] Humidity Blues

>Here in Laredo we are 2 hrs from Corpus Christie and 4 hrs from South 
>Padre Island.  Our climate is essentially coastal with high humidity 
>a constant issue.

>I am looking for solutions for our high quality instruments to keep 
>the strings from rusting.   All of them have some level of corrosion 
>developing.  All are a few years young.  They all have quilted 
>covers.  One has a DC dehumidifier system under it.

>I am wondering if an Edwards woven felt string-cover would afford the 
>additional protection we need to keep those strings from rusting 
>more.  It seems that we must be having enough of a temperature 
>differential occurring to cause condensation on the strings.  The 
>wool should buffer both temperature and humidity.

>Anyone out there with experience successfully battling this?

>Maybe PureSound Wire is the way to go.

>Andrew Anderson

>caut list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

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