[CAUT] HT Question

Jeff Stickney jpstickney@montanadsl.net
Tue, 15 Nov 2005 18:34:15 -0700

List (especially PRCT users),

I have just had a request to tune a harpsichord for Monica Hugget 
(Baroque violinist) in "one six, mean tone" tuning.  I'm assuming this  
means 1/6 mean tone  temperament.   Any idea which HT in the array of 
options in PRCT would be appropriate?  Would it be "R07 1808 William 
Hawkes (1/6 Mercator)"?  Other suggestions?  And what is the difference 
between "regular mean tone" and "modern mean tone" as they are labeled 
in the PRCT list of temperaments?  Thank you for your help!

Jeff Stickney
University of Montana

PS The recital/lecture is tomorrow - last-minute info as usual. :-(

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