[CAUT] Bösendorfer

Avery Todd atodd@uh.edu
Wed, 16 Nov 2005 11:50:43 -0600

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We just received yesterday an 1840 B=F6sendorfer that has been at Rice
University for a while but has now been donated to us.
It was restored by a company in Holland called Beunk & Wennink. Below
is a link to their website.


Does anyone have any experience with these? Specifically regulation type
of things? The tech who's been taking care of it at Rice told me that as
far as he knew, it'd never been tuned to anything higher than A-430.

It seems to be in really good shape but I'm sure something will come up
eventually where I'll need to know how to work on it. :-)


Avery Todd, RPT
Moores School of Music
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-4017=20

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