[CAUT] upright action

Susan Kline skline@peak.org
Sat, 26 Nov 2005 19:10:14 -0800

At 04:48 PM 11/25/2005 -0700, Fred wrote:
>For traveling, though, my own
>preference is for strips of sticky, pre-gummed material like address labels
>or self-stick stamps. Faster, more convenient to my mind. Some don't like it
>for one reason or another. I've never had a problem, after using it for well
>over ten years.

Hi, Fred

I did have a problem with what looked like that material, when I had to
take wippens off a fairly new Samick grand for repinning. This gum got
old awfully fast, and when I removed a part the paper liked to fall off.
I had to watch like a hawk, and glue it back when I could figure out
where it came from. Still some travelling to do when reinstalling.
The mucilage on the old package tape doesn't seem to fail over time.

I recently saw a roll of it in the paint section of
a small local hardware store. I don't see it often, but some is
still out there.

Susan Kline 

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