[CAUT] Miking pianos

Alan McCoy amccoy@mail.ewu.edu
Wed, 30 Nov 2005 10:39:43 -0800

Hi Folks,

The last concert here was the last straw. I don't know how they did it, but
somehow the people who set up the piano for our last big band concert made
our rather warm and mellow S&S D sound like a banjo. An amazing achievement

One that I'd rather not experience again. :-(

It can't be rocket science. But it is not something I have any experience
with. Is there anyone who has some expertise in setting up pianos for
concert amplification? What I'm looking for is some nitty gritty details so
if need be I can do it myself.

Like I said, the last straw!

The audience's perception is a function of what, the quality of the mic,
speakers, room acoustics, and.....

Thanks for any help.


-- Alan McCoy, RPT
Eastern Washington University


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