Hi Eric, Yes, sorry, but I did try to get closer in, and a better angle, but the focus suffered and the flash washed it out. What I posted was the best of four, with a bit of digital sharpening and exposure tweak. To do better, I would need better equipment, and the knowledge of how to use it. But the essential thing is that the short end of the U just goes back out next to the long end. Up and over the tail of the loop and through the loop. Or, to describe it a bit differently, the wire comes through the loop over the tail, passes under the wire, and goes back out over the tail. Regards, Fred Sturm University of New Mexico On 3/12/07 12:01 PM, "Wolfley, Eric (wolfleel)" <WOLFLEEL at ucmail.uc.edu> wrote: > Fred, > > Thanks for the photos though it would be nice if the final was more of a > close-up so we can see how the two parts of the knot join up. Being an > ex-Boyscout, I've tried the sheetbend knot before but never could feel > as comfortable doing it as I do with the normal splice. Must be > something about how my brain works (or doesn't). > > Eric > > Eric Wolfley, RPT > Head Piano Technician > Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music > University of Cincinnati > -----Original Message----- > From: caut-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:caut-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf Of > Fred Sturm > Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 7:29 PM > To: College and University Technicians > Subject: [CAUT] Sheetbend string splice > > Hi all, > I took a few pictures of a mock up of the "sheetbend" string > splice > I was trying to describe a week or so ago. Hope it's helpful to > somebody. Sorry about the poor photo quality. Obviously one needs a > tripod to get this kind of detail in good focus. > >
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