Avery The PTG Conducted a survey last yer. You can review it yourself, by going to the PTG web site. (www.ptg.org), and clikcing on Resources,a nd then 2006 survey. You will need your member id and a password. (If you don't remember them, contact Sandy at the home office). The Survey has all sorts of information, including income. The direct answer to your question, "The average gross receipts from piano related activites during the past year was $51,289." Wim Quoting Avery Todd <atodd at uh.edu>: > List, > > I just looked at the CAUT page with the survey results on it and it > was dated 2002. It said the app. salary of respondents was $39, 733. > > Wasn't there some kind of full-time salary type survey done more > recently? As you know, I'm retiring soon and I'm trying to get them > to upgrade the salary here. Actually, the Director is trying to. > Whether he'll be able to get approval or not is a different subject. > > Thanks. > > Avery Todd > University of Houston > Willem Blees, RPT Piano Tuner/Technician School of Music University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL USA 205-348-1469
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