Oh Otto. Your such a young whipper-snapper. Michael Wathen > -------Original Message------- > From: Otto Keyes <okeyes at uidaho.edu> > Subject: Re: [CAUT] University of Idaho -- Moscow, ID > Sent: 19 Mar '07 21:06 > > This didn't go through last time, so I'll try it again. > > Otto > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Otto Keyes <okeyes at uidaho.edu> > Date: Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:03 pm > Subject: University of Idaho -- Moscow, ID > To: College and University Technicians <caut at ptg.org> > > > Just a heads-up to all that my position here at U of Idaho will be > > opening up. I had a wrist injury a couple of years ago that > > limited my > > work to about half-time....(30 years of piano tuning & 30 seconds of > > judo). In the end the 30 years of tuning had taken its toll on the > > joints in my wrist, and the judo just kicked it over the edge. > > > > Then in the fall I had an incident of sudden, low-end, hearing loss > > thatwas diagnosed as a form of Meneire's disease, particularly in > > my right > > ear. One of the worst problems has been a hyper-acuity to certain > > pitches & sharp sounds that makes piano tuning very uncomfortable, and > > gives a harmonic of about a 5th on some pitches. It has improved > > somewhat, and I can still tune well if I use pretty heavy duty ear > > plugs, but high level voicing is difficult, and coupled with the wrist > > problem, the load of a university job is just too much. > > > > Continuing on here in the current mode would mean merely hospice care > > for the instrument inventory, and the school of music needs more than > > that. Like any institution of higher learning, U of I has its > > politicsand problems, but it's a pretty decent place to work, and > > Moscow is a > > very nice town. The position has not been posted yet, but let me know > > if you would like further info. > > > > Otto Keyes > > Piano Tech., University of Idaho > > > > > > >
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