: Re: [CAUT] Rubbing out laquer finish Hi Richard, The Steinway from Mrs. Blackman is finished other than fine voicing in Brenda's office. How do you rub out fingerprints etc from the old Steinway laquer finishes? I tried some of the different cleaners diluted in a small area, but it just seemed to smear it around. Paul T. Williams RPT University of Nebraska Paul Try some "purple cleaner." I don't know a brand name, but it available in most automotive sections of retail stores like Walmart. Use a dilute solution. Follow the suggested solutions on the bottle. It has outperformed all cleaners I've used including Simple Green. You may need to go over the piano a few times. Use large rags and keep them rinsed in the solution. Paul C -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/20070323/0057074c/attachment.html
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