Wim, I tried steaming on two M and H model A's, but I steamed to the point I thought I would damage something and got very little results. I know I should just replace the hammers this summer and perhaps I will. Right now, I need the immediate results. The softener worked albeit with plenty put on. How much steam would be too much? I haven't had any felt come off the moudlings yet. Maybe this is why they call them practice rooms! I'll try a bit more steaming down the hall! Thanks Paul Willem Blees <wblees at bama.ua.edu> Sent by: caut-bounces at ptg.org 03/23/2007 11:30 AM Please respond to College and University Technicians <caut at ptg.org> To College and University Technicians <caut at ptg.org> cc Subject Re: [CAUT] hammer softener Paul Instead of hammer softener, have you considered steaming them? Wim Quoting Paul T Williams <pwilliams4 at unlnotes.unl.edu>: > Hi again List, > > Does anyone know what is in the Pianotek Hammer softener? I was > wondering > if there is some homemade stuff that would work as well. They only > sell > it in 8 Oz bottles and until budgets increase (ha ha) to replace lots > of > hard, worn, really really bright hammers et al, I need to use this > stuff. > > Trying to save some doh ray me > > Paul Willem Blees, RPT Piano Tuner/Technician School of Music University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL USA 205-348-1469 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/20070323/a65d509a/attachment.html
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