IF the underlever capstan supports the damper for half blow then it is inhibiting the effectiveness of the damper, the full weight of the system won't be on the string. The underlever should be suspended by the wire, no contact with the tray or key end lifter felt. If that is what Yamaha ascribes to, then they have it bass ackwards. Someone does. The top flange is secured to the wire such that the key end lifter felt engages the tip of the underlever at half blow. Damper lift timing with the tray is done by either shimming underneath the tray felt or by some sort of screw adjustment (capstan). If underlevers are set evenly and some do not lift at half blow then that is rectified by a shim underneath the key end lifter felt. If the sostenuto tabs are uneven after the underlevers have been set then a shim is added to the portion of the top flange which the sos tab felt erests. You will not convince me otherwise. -- Regards, Jon Page
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