> *From:* Brian Yankee [mailto:BYankee at NewEnglandConservatory.edu] > *Sent:* Tuesday, March 27, 2007 1:54 PM > *To:* scott.thile at murraystate.edu > *Subject:* CAUT Position Announcement > > Please post the following announcement on the CAUT web page. > ** > *Director of Piano Services*: New England Conservatory in Boston, MA is > currently seeking well qualified candidates for the Director of Piano > Services position. The Director of Piano Services is responsible for the > maintenance, repair and improvement of the Conservatory’s 175 > pianos. The Director serves as the Conservatory’s head piano technician. > The Director will play a key role in building relationships with the NEC > community to promote effective communication, policies and practices > regarding the challenge of maintaining the inventory within an extremely > busy teaching and performance environment. The Director will supervise > department staff and contract technicians, and will work closely with > colleagues in developing short- and long-term strategies for maintaining > and building the piano inventory at a level commensurate with NEC’s > programs. The Director must be a piano technician of the highest > concert caliber as well as a talented manager. Concert tuning and > weekend and evening attendance will be required. > > Form more information, please see > http://www.newenglandconservatory.edu/jobs/DirectorofPianoServices.html > > Thanks! Sounds like about $140,000 a year entry, negotiable after the 13th miracle. Ron N
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