[CAUT] U. of Northern Iowa position

Susan Kline skline at peak.org
Wed Aug 11 22:52:45 MDT 2010

>The experience of working toward mastery
>of an instrument, of attempting public performance, even at a fairly
>basic level, is invaluable in coming to some sort of empathy.

I admit that a masters in cello performance is just about the
most useless degree one could imagine, but the experience of performing
in public, even a little, helps a lot when tuning for concerts and
dealing with artists.

After earning a degree or two, a music department seems like a
familiar place to hang out. Everything slips into place in a way
which it doesn't when I work with jazz musicians ... though they're
very nice about it. It seems a novelty for them that someone would
stay on hand and touch up the tuning between sets.

All in all, I think study is time well spent, though awfully costly
these days. The costs of higher education, like health care, are right
out of hand. I hope something happens about that soon. It's not a
good thing for a society, to turn its brightest young people into indentured

As for the U. of Northern Iowa, it seemed like an awfully long list
of duties and responsibilities to load on someone for a part-time job.
But then most CAUT job descriptions sound that way to me. Sometimes I'm
glad I'm 64, and don't need to look for such a place. One wonders how
institutions are going to fill our shoes, as more of us reach
retirement age.

Susan Kline

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