[CAUT] Multiple Miroirs Recordings

Kent Swafford kswafford at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 09:31:07 MST 2010

Ooh. I found a fascinating web page of different recordings of the same Ravel piece; at least, the page is fascinating to _me_, I prepared the piano for one of the recordings.



I had a hand in the recording of Robert Weirich from the University of Missouri - Kansas City Conservatory. The tuning is a good example, I think, of a tuning done using the OnlyPure ETD.

The back story of the recording is that I spent from noon to 3 pm the day of the 7:30 pm concert voicing up the instrument. (Added drops of acetone and keytops to the strike points, filed the hammers, and then needled for evenness. It all came out OK except the top octave of the highest treble may be too much -- shrill and doesn't blend.)


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