[CAUT] Chopin 1 piano concert

Richard Brekne ricb at pianostemmer.no
Fri Jan 29 10:15:43 MST 2010

Hi Paul

Thanks for the kind words.... the thing kinda glitters in this section 
of the concerto, and after the long 20 min. first movement I was happy 
it still was so clean and clear sounding. I'll see if I can cut out a 
bit from the end of the final movement so you all can hear the 
instrument at higher levels of play.  I personally think it was just a 
tad to hard sounding all in all... but then it had to cut through a big 
hall and hold its own with the orchestra.... and the 10+ year old 
hammers dont really allow for both power, brilliance and total lack of 
harshness all at the same time.... but I got kinda close.

The entire concerto is going to be broadcast on NRK P2 on the 1st of 
March at 1930 Oslo time.  Thats GMT +1

You can access them at  http://nettradio.nrk.no/default.php?kanal=p2


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