[CAUT] Fwd: Plate coating for fitting pinblocks

Edward Sambell esambell at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 22 12:11:06 MDT 2012

I long ago settled on a mix of blue chalk powder and glycerine.The chalk is added  until the solution is not runny, and applied with a paint brush, not too liberally. It will stay wet for days, and just needs re-brushing between trials and marks beautifully. Cleanup is just a matter of wioing it off.

Ted Sambell

> From: Alan Eder <reggaepass at aol.com>
>To: caut at ptg.org 
>Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 12:08:53 PM
>Subject: [CAUT] Fwd: Plate coating for fitting pinblocks
>This request for input just in from someone who does not normally monitor this list. Please respond on-list, and I will forward to him.
>Many thanks,
>Alan Eder
>Richard Davenport writes:
>Any thoughts about what coating is most effective (leaves the best mark and lasts the longest between applications) on the plate flange when fitting a pinblock. I've used carpenters blue chalk and black carpenter's crayons and they're both a mess to use and have to be reapplied frequently. There has to be something that lasts longer and is easier to apply. 
>Davenport Tools
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