Try Petroleum jelly instead of water. From: caut-bounces at [mailto:caut-bounces at] On Behalf Of Kidwell, Ted W Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 2:08 PM To: caut at Subject: Re: [CAUT] Fwd: Plate coating for fitting pinblocks I just fitted a block last week and used the method taught by Christian Bolduc. I mixed a thick slurry of red carpenters chalk and water. I kept it as thick as possible that could be brushed. I painted it on the plate pretty thick and let it completely dry before tapping the block in. It is a bit gloppy but that does not matter. The tapping will knock it down. I did have to reapply in some areas once just as I was at the end of the process. The only downside is that I spent about half an hour cleaning the plate afterwards since the slurry drips down onto the top of the plate. It is easy to clean off though. Ted Kidwell, RPT California State University, Sacramento Capistrano Hall, rm. 153 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6015 916.278.6737 From: caut-bounces at [mailto:caut-bounces at] On Behalf Of Alan Eder Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 9:09 AM To: caut at Subject: [CAUT] Fwd: Plate coating for fitting pinblocks List, This request for input just in from someone who does not normally monitor this list. Please respond on-list, and I will forward to him. Many thanks, Alan Eder Richard Davenport writes: Any thoughts about what coating is most effective (leaves the best mark and lasts the longest between applications) on the plate flange when fitting a pinblock. I've used carpenters blue chalk and black carpenter's crayons and they're both a mess to use and have to be reapplied frequently. There has to be something that lasts longer and is easier to apply. Thanks Richard Davenport Tools -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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