What hammer did you choose? Andrew Anderson On Mar 1, 2012, at 8:38 PM, James Schmitt wrote: > Andrew, I had a Kawai in a teaching studio that was the same vintage and I did a very careful job of custom fitting a soft hammer on new shanks and flanges. I was very happy with the way the job turned out and that was four years ago. I would do it again if needed. > James Schmitt > On Mar 1, 2012, at 2:46 PM, Andrew Anderson wrote: > >> The subject is in the studio of a piano professor and has had its hammers reshaped a few times, and its knucles are the flattest I've ever seen. >> >> I called Kawai in the hopes they would sell a pre-hung set. No dice. Are original hammers and parts desireable here are is there a hammer you prefer for the job? In this case the piano is in a high ceiling studio with hard walls and floors and I was called in because it was too bright. More than 1/2" of flat on top the hammers definately didn't help... >> >> What hammers would you suggest sampling for the customer? >> >> >> Andrew Anderson, >> Artisan Piano >
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