[CAUT] Kawai KG-2C hammer shank-flange options

mario at pianosinsideout.com mario at pianosinsideout.com
Sun Mar 4 19:42:27 MST 2012

Just curious, Dale, what digital recorder was recommended to you?
Mario Igrec


From: Dale Erwin [mailto:erwinspiano at aol.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 7:22 PM
To: caut at ptg.org
Subject: Re: [CAUT] Kawai KG-2C hammer shank-flange options

FWIW,... here is just one comment from a recent client.
    I'm hoping to have some recordings of pianos with differetn varietys of
the Ronsen hammers installed in them. I am waiting delivery for a portable
hand held digital recorder recommended by an engineer on recent visit from a
S.F. recording studio.
 Thanks- Dale

Jim Carmichael-Piano Teacher Musican S.F. Ca
I keep meaning to write to thank you for the work you guys did on my Baldwin
action back in September (Ronsen Weickert felt) hammers, shanks, flanges,
capstans, etc.).
Together with the expert regulation by Mark Schecter the work you did has
left me with a very special SF10 which I look forward to playing every day.
I hope we can arrange some similar transformation for my 1927 B in the not
too distant future."

Dale Erwin RPT-
Mason & Hamlin/Steinway/U.S pianos
Pre-hung Ronsen hammer sets/Abel parts
Sitka Soundboards & Supplies

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