H4 N. It'll be in today!! Dale Erwin RPT- Mason & Hamlin/Steinway/U.S pianos Pre-hung Ronsen hammer sets/Abel parts Sitka Soundboards & Supplies WWW.Erwinspiano.com 209-577-8397 -----Original Message----- From: mario <mario at pianosinsideout.com> To: caut <caut at ptg.org> Sent: Mon, Mar 5, 2012 8:49 am Subject: Re: [CAUT] Fwd: Digital recorder was----- Kawai KG-2C hammer... Hi Dale, let us know how you like it. Is it the Zoom H4n or H2n? I have a Sony PCM-M10 and it doesn't pick up the piano sound with enough nuance or depth. I like that the H2n supports an MS mode, which can make the piano sound very good in any room with reasonable acoustics. Looking forward to your review. Mario Igrec From: Dale Erwin [mailto:erwinspiano at aol.com] Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 9:21 AM To: caut at ptg.org Subject: [CAUT] Fwd: Digital recorder was----- Kawai KG-2C hammer... Hi Mario Here's a re-send of the info. Dale Erwin RPT- Mason & Hamlin/Steinway/U.S pianos Pre-hung Ronsen hammer sets/Abel parts Sitka Soundboards & Supplies WWW.Erwinspiano.com 209-577-8397 -----Original Message----- From: Dale Erwin <erwinspiano at aol.com> To: bill <bill at a440piano.net> Sent: Sat, Mar 3, 2012 5:44 pm Subject: Re: [CAUT] Kawai KG-2C hammer shank-flange options Hi Bill The unit is called an Hm-2. It is available from B & H in N.Y. See in formation below B&H Photo ord-status at bhphotovideo.com. Hey I'll try it out and get back to ya. I really want the recordings to sound like THE piano!!!!. If not the emperors new clothes will be returned. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/20120305/6845ede4/attachment.htm>
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