[CAUT] Kawai KG-2C hammer shank-flange options

Dale Erwin erwinspiano at aol.com
Wed Mar 7 08:01:01 MST 2012

Hi Don
  Thanks for the fair minded and expereinced assessment of these two hammer makes and styles

Dale Erwin RPT-
 Mason & Hamlin/Steinway/U.S pianos
Pre-hung Ronsen hammer sets/Abel parts
Sitka Soundboards & Supplies


-----Original Message-----
From: Don Mannino <dmannino at kawaius.com>
To: caut <caut at ptg.org>
Sent: Mon, Mar 5, 2012 9:25 am
Subject: Re: [CAUT] Kawai KG-2C hammer shank-flange options

For the KG-2C Kawai does have the shanks and flanges as well has the hammers 
themselves, but not pre-mounted from Japan.  The factory no longer has the jigs 
for pianos prior to the 'D' series.  They can supply pre-hung hammers for KG-D 
series and forward by special order, which takes a couple of months to get.

The hammers we get from Japan are similar to new Kawai hammers, and they need a 
lot of needling before they are ready to go.  I have compared hammers from a few 
different makers in our pianos, and also like both the Ronsen Weikert felt 
hammers and the Abel Naturals.  The Ronsens had a little less "bite" at 
Fortissimo than the Abels, but both install well and voice pretty easily.

Don Mannino
Kawai America

-----Original Message-----
From: caut-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:caut-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf Of Andrew 
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 2:47 PM
To: caut at ptg.org
Subject: [CAUT] Kawai KG-2C hammer shank-flange options

The subject is in the studio of a piano professor and has had its hammers 
reshaped a few times, and its knucles are the flattest I've ever seen.

I called Kawai in the hopes they would sell a pre-hung set.  No dice.  Are 
original hammers and parts desireable here are is there a hammer you prefer for 
the job?  In this case the piano is in a high ceiling studio with hard walls and 
floors and I was called in because it was too bright.  More than 1/2" of flat on 
top the hammers definately didn't help...

What hammers would you suggest sampling for the customer?

Andrew Anderson,
Artisan Piano

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