The Wonderwand/Racquetball Connection

Jeff Stickney
Wed, 28 Dec 1994 21:57:03 -0700 (MST)

Have you ever wondered about the Wonderwand?  That hammer with the big
wooden ball on the end?  I certainly have, and even more so this week as
I was knocking off practice room piano after practice room piano and my
hand was getting more and more sore.  My mind began to imagine that my
hand would feel more comfortable curled around a ball than the
(relatively) pointed end of the hammer.  As my mind wandered (as it has a
tendency to do, especially in practice rooms!), a raquetball popped into
my head (well, not literally).  So I went out and bought a pair of
racquetballs, cut a hole in one and popped it over the end of my hammer.
To my amazement, it worked and even felt pretty good.  I don't know about
the longevity of this idea, but if you've ever wondered about the
Wonderwand, it's a cheap way to check it out.  I may end up modifying my
current hammer with a wood ball if I continue to like it, but that splash
of blue on the end of the hammer is kind of flashy!

Jeff Stickney, RPT
University of Montana

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