Odd Bolts

Newton Hunt nhunt@gandalf.rutgers.edu
Thu, 02 Nov 1995 12:57:31 -0500 (EST)

Hi, All,
      This message is for Barbara but all may find interest.
      I have a German made harpsichord that someone used a lag screw to
hold a leg on which originally had a bench type bolt in metric.  When I could
not get the leg back on after storing the instrument for a while I have a
good look at the situation and cursed the sob that made such a change.
      Here's the good part, Barbara, the carcase had a brass insert that
was screwed into a large hole.  I removed the insert and using metric taps I
found the size I needed.  I threaded some metal rod, epoxied it into the leg,
repaced the insert and had a new ly restored leg, just like the rest of them.
      You should check to see if there is a removable insert, plate or
other item you can take to your local Japanese car parts shop and find the
right thread of bold or screw you need to remount the 'lyre'.  Have a good
idea of the length needed before going.  Home Depot also have metric bolts
and screws but you auto supply house will have more.
      Good luck and if I can help further let me know.

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