Tacky (come on U guys)

S. Brady sbrady@u.washington.edu
Thu, 09 Nov 1995 07:47:18 -0800 (PST)

      Here at the U.W., thumbtacks in the hammers absolutely would not
be allowed on any of our concert instruments. The change in tonal
character after just one insertion into the striking point would be
considerable and, in the case of pianos in the larger hall, would render
them unfit for concert use. It would take several hours to return them to
concert-ready condition.
      We have a small "beater" grand available for people who insist on
doing preparations. At both our halls, the piano technician has the
authority to make decisions on matters of pitch standard as well as
exotic preparations. In both cases, if we decide to allow a pitch change
or a preparation which will require extra work for the technician
following the concert, an appropriate extra charge is assessed in advance.
      Good luck to you, Bill.

Steve Brady, RPT        "The most expert and rapid tuners are...
University of Washington       possessed of a highly excitable,
sbrady@u.washington.edu        nervous, and emotional temperament,
                         verging on the border of insanity at times."
                              -Daniel Spillane, The Tuner's Guide

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