Was grey market, now ??

Dennis Johnson johnsond@stolaf.edu
Thu, 09 Nov 1995 11:52:35 -0600

At 10:17 AM 11/9/95 -0700, Don Mannino wrote:

>Many of these pianos _do_ need to be finished off - just as you described.
>That's funny - another (non-Korean) brand of pianos you mentioned is also
>generally thought to need finishing off by the dealer.  In reality, ALL pianos
>need _some_ finishing off, but obviously some more than others. It would be
>if the manufacturers could do it in the factories, but why complain? That's how
>technician's make a living, and finishing off a piano for the customer or
>can be the most satisfying kind of work - it makes you look like a


        Any comments about "finishing off" the post '93 Steinway actions? I
don't see these at the school, but have seen enough in homes to sense that
tension is threatening to explode. Sure, it is work for us, but growing
numbers of customers have some difficult questions.

Dennis Johnson
St. Olaf College

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