String breaking

tom dibenedetto
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 19:49:54 -0500 (EST)

> RE:
> **********
> Tuning to A440 is likely the cause of the string breakage. This problem is
> indicated if you find the problem is mostly in the left halve of the
> keyboard. Try tuning each note to it$s own appropriate frequency; only one
> note should be tuned to A440. It's true this will take longer, so charge
> accordingly.
> **********
>    I don't understand this. [said by many]

Hey, are all of you guys determined to prove to the world that piano
techs have no sense of humor whatsoever???? Is this not a rather obvious,
and yes, somewhat clever, joke?
I actually used this line once to a musician-customer who balked at my
outrageous tuning fee (I can give you a discount if you want all the
notes tuned to the same pitch!). She laughed, and I got the job (not the
discount job!). Guess I shouldn't ever try that with a tuner!

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