"Brittle" strings

Tunrboy@aol.com Tunrboy@aol.com
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 23:44:58 -0500

I had an impact hammer ( I think that's what it was- it weighed 2 pounds)
which facilitated easy pitch raises.  However, I did not like the way I
overcompensated for its mass when lifting it from pin to pin.  When I
switched back to my regular hammer, I was lifting it clear out of the piano,
a feather compared to its weighty brother.  Also, I did not savor the
possibility of it falling from a pin and ramming through some hammers on an
upright.  That would not be pretty.  My case is lighter, my back doesn't
hurt, but if it woiks- use it.

Eric Leatha

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