Wed, 22 Nov 1995 01:16:58 -0500

Lawrence Beach posted:
>>Has anyone tried locating buzzes with a stethoscope? ...<<

There is a tool I purchased years ago designed specifically for using like a
stethoscope in finding noises.  It is based on an old idea I learned in the

You take a long screwdriver blade and handle, place the blade where you think
the problem is and place your ear against the handle.  When you locate the
position of the offending noise, it will travel through the screwdriver blade
and handle to your ear audibly.

This tool I purchased uses the stethoscope concept except there is a pointer
type device (about 9", aluminum) that is connected to a crude diaphram device
which is connected to a clear plastic tube which splits into a "Y" that goes
to your ears.

Bought it via a mail order catalog like Brookstone, etc.  Haven't used it too
much, but it definitely works.  Very effective, almost too much, as there is
no volume control.

Keith A. McGavern, RPT
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Oklahoma Baptist University
Shawnee, Oklahoma

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