What I think

Barrie Heaton Piano@forte.airtime.co.uk
Thu, 01 Aug 1996 20:28:12 +0100

In article <960730221811_71213.1421_GHL35-1@CompuServe.COM>, "DAN G.
LITWIN" <71213.1421@CompuServe.COM> writes
>In response to:
>> Barry heaton  from the UK writes..."  there is a movement in the EEC. to make
>>a law that all trades men and professionals entering the general publics' homes
>>must belong to a relevant professional body and have the relevant
>>qualifications. "  I wonder who gets to decide what the 'relevant'
>>qualifications are. What do people think.....?
>>                       Jim Kinnear, I.P.T.
>I think that politicians will decide.  And politicians care little about pianos.
>They will do whatever they believe will get them re-elected.
>They'll pass "reasonable" laws which force some techs out of the business, and
>make the remaining techs' work cost people more.  Our service will be
>unreachable for poor people (to a poor person, a poor tech is better than no
>tech).  And when the politicians get done jacking us around, they'll have a
>legal precedent to jack others around.  What goes around comes around.
>Dan Litwin - Jerk Tuning
>San Diego

Ji Jim and Dan,

First its unlikely it will ever come in to force because the British
Government are not keen on the idea,.  But if it did get implimented it
would probably follow something on these lines.

All practicing piano tuners who have been in business for more than five
years are to regiser their Company and the qualification bit will be
waved.  This is so you do not put anyone out of business.  Secondly you
would choose a date lets say 1988 any person wishing to set himself up
or herself as a practicing piano tuner would have to belong to a
recongnised piano tuning organisation will some form of entrance
criteria.  In the UK. it would be either the ABPT, or PTA in the US. it
would be the PTG or simmilar body.

this works perfectly well in the UK. already with the medical prefession
Dentists, Vets, and Gas Fitters, so there is no reason why the rest of
the prefessions and tradesmen cannot be the same.  Both the EEC and US.
have laws on individuals forming cartells to protect prices, that#s of
course, unless your#re an airline Company and anything seems to go in
the EEC.



Barrie Heaton                                  |  Be Environmentally Friendly
URL: http://www.airtime.co.uk/forte/piano.htm  |  To Your Neighbour
The UK PIano Page                              |
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