Shrink-Wrapped Pianos
Wed, 07 Aug 1996 23:49:16 -0400

Dear List:

Schimmel (Germany) made the first "see-through"  plexiglass piano (not
polyester) in the 50's. (I will confrim the exact date).  Kawai followed
thereafter.  The "clear" pianos you may have encountered are indeed
plexiglass and not polyester.  I will be happy to povide you with photos
and/or more info. The sounding portion of the pianos are the same as a "real"
piano, the case is plexiglass.  If you get the opportunity, compare.

Best Regards,

Steve Cunningham
Dampp-Chaser Distributor
Schimmel Tech Rep
Kawai Dealer etc. and so on.......

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