6 old uprights

Ronald R Shiflet ron_and_lorene@juno.com
Thu, 15 Aug 1996 20:59:23 -0800 (PST)

	I'm obsessed with the lights at Christmas time and even more
thrilled when I drive by and see that someone has added motors to their
display and made it mechanical.  I've had an idea for several years and
haven't done it as of yet. I need to start in June and I always remember
at Thankgiving.
	I have wanted to make a Santa Claus who played the piano.  You
can get an old wash machine for free from any appliance store (as long
as you promise NOT to bring it back.  Be sure the agitator works.  Cut a
hole in the top of the bench and put the agitator and motor in it with
the agitator protruding.  Put Santa Claus on the agitator.  In front put
an old piano (that you've gutted out (to make the moving easier).  Turn
it on and you'll have a swinging Santa playing the piano !!!
	With 6 pianos you could have the lots of fun with animals popping
up and down inside of the lids while elves played away.  Maybe Frosty
could play and Santa and Mrs. Claus could dance.  Maybe I'm too much of
a romantic.  Maybe I've been to Disneyland too many times.

Some assembly required.

Ron Shiflet

PS.  Thanks for all the help on strike point.

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