Wire cutters

Bill Ballard yardbird@sover.net
Sat, 24 Aug 1996 00:07:51 -0400 (EDT)

On 8/22/96, "Kenneth W. Burton" <kwburton@freenet.calgary.ab.ca> rote:
<<Since 1967, I have been using a pair of needle-nose pliars that
contain a wire cutter section. They are Crescent brand which probably
accounts for their usefulness over so many years.>>

I agree. Side cutters and the Mighty Starrets certainly snip wire, but
will they reach down in front of a capo bar to reach wire to be pulled
through and will they deftly point the wire's end into the becket and
push it through. "Hey, it ain't my job, man!". As soon as the coil on the
first pin is set, I've got one tool in my hand until the second coil is
ready to be lifted, thanks to the versatility of the needle nose pliers.

Do my hands miss the friendy leverage of the more specialized cutters.
Shake my right hand sometime.  What it really complains about in the
first few tunings on thsoe freshly pinned block.

Actually, there are two jobs for wire cutters to do, stringing being the
second. The first is clearing out the old wire. John van Rohr has the
tool for that (steel strap cutters: FELCo #C7). No I haven't bought them yet.

Bill Ballard PRT
NH Chapter, PTG

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the last two words.)

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