Yamaha keytops/more logic

JIMRPT@aol.com JIMRPT@aol.com
Wed, 28 Aug 1996 11:47:26 -0400

"This is not about stealing someone elses integrity.  This is about good
business practices.
William C. Sadler-RPT"
  William integrity is something you either have or don't have and I have
never said that Yamaha 'stole' it from anyone and I don't think anyone else
has. Yamahas tendency, in this instance, of completing a needed job function
without notifying a technician that is involved in the process is a 'very
poor' business practice and is so without regard to the skill level or
trustworthiness of anyone involved. It is difficult for a customer to
understand that a manufacturer would want to use someone from a distant city
to satisfy a warranty claim and then to accept their local techs ability the
same as before. As I have said I like working with Yamaha and have/do worked
through many warranty claims with them, this key replacement thing is just an
anamoly as far as I am concerned.
 As far as trust goes William if I thought for one minute that this involved
a lack of trust between me and Yamaha I would not do any warranty work for
them whatsoever. There is a major Name that I will not do warranty work for
and it is not because they don't trust or respect me.
  This whole key replacement thread has been interesting and I think I will
print it up and send it to Yamaha if the people who have been involved don't
Jim Bryant (FL)

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