Fazioli pianos

John Musselwhite musselj@cadvision.com
Thu, 04 Jan 1996 00:03:06 -0700

>> to melt on the streets, but by Friday it will be -30 C again and 20 cm of
>> snow will have fallen. How can we keep pianos in good condition under these
>> conditions?
>Maybe if you brought them indoors it would help. :)

Very funny!  Next I'll be told that manufacturers won't honour the
warranties when we keep them in igloos all winter!

BTW, It's Wednesday night and 20 cm of snow has fallen already. I missed an
appointment today because of it...  I HATE winter!

I wonder if there are there any openings left for that Cuba gig? At the
moment trading white snow for white sand sounds pretty good!   B-})


John Musselwhite, RPT
Calgary, Alberta Canada

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