bone source

Stephen Birkett
Tue, 16 Jan 1996 15:52:07 -0400 (EDT)

Avery Todd wrote:
> Sorry. I overlooked the fax number which was also provided. It's 519-763-4686
That was me that gave the bone source on the harp. list. The fax
number above is *my* fax number, not that of Nelson Woodworking.

Bone keyboards were common on early pianos...generally the choice on
less expensive models post 1800. Prior to that bone slips on darkwood
accidentals were common. The top price models had ivory instead of now you get what you pay for. I don't know why bone isn't
used more on modern keyboards since it does have nice tactile
properties and, except in some countries, the cow is not a protected
species. It's not cheap to buy, but worth the money over plastic.

Stephen Birkett (Fortepianos)
Authentic Reproductions of 18th and 19th Century Pianos
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
tel: 519-885-2228
fax: 519-763-4686

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