88 note pianos -Reply

Don Rose drose@saskmaple.net
Sat, 16 Mar 1996 06:02:34 -0800

>Jack said:
>To add to Vince's comment, I was taught that the top three notes
>were important in order to extend the bridge and put a load on it.
>Having a loaded bridge that ex
>better sounding note.

I have seen some pianos that have one additional unstruck string and the low end of the treble
bridge. I believe that Baldwin in their "concert vertical" sets a lump of lead into the bridge.
I guess these are attempts to "load the bridge" or in musical te
rms to "sustain the tone" i.e. increase dwell time on the low end of the treble bridge.

I wonder if anyone has tried "weighting" the high treble end of the bridge--maybe it would
improve tone there, too?

Regards, Don Rose drose@saskmaple.net

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