WTB: SAT tuner

Ted Simmons ted@palmnet.net
Wed, 18 Sep 1996 05:54:57 -0400

>>Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 06:30:10 -0700
>>From: Paul Creelman <pcreel@cnw.com>
>>To: larryf@pacifier.com
>>Subject: SAT tuners
>>X-URL: http://pacifier.com/~larryf/homepage.html
>>Would like to buy an electronic piano tuner ...
>>what does SAT stand for and how much do they cost and do you sell them?
>email Paul directly on this.
Larry, SAT stands for "Sanderson Accu-Tuner".  You want to get one that has
the "F-A-C" feature.  With one of those you enter 3 numbers into the SAT's
computer and it computes the entire tuning scale for the piano. You can
start at A0 and work right on up the scale.  Terrific.   The type without
the "F-A-C" feature is good too, but takes a little longer to tune the
piano.  If you want more detailed information, contact Inventronics (the
manufacturer) at 1-800-FAST-440.

        Ted Simmons
        Merritt Island, FL

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