i appeal to the higher powers..

Brent.Fischer@ASU.Edu Brent.Fischer@ASU.Edu
Sat, 05 Jul 1997 16:09:37 -0700

Dear Phil,

 Does it have the English action or not?  Age?  They are great pianos. I
have one my daughter has played relentlessly and in my opinion they
develop excellent solidity and resonance power as time passes.  We have
some older ones and newer ones also here at ASU. Scrap the old actions if
you can although they can be revitilized none the less.

 My personal choice for wrestplank material would not be multi-laminate.
The Walter is spongy to tune just like Baldwin studios and the round steel
V-bar insert gives it a worse feel yet, in my opinion.  We like them as
a durable and quality built structure, probably the best in its size and
price range. We did an interesting experiment at the local dealership by
replacing a defective set of bass strings with the Mapes variety of
schraffed strings.  A definate and immediate audible improvement was
heard. The strings are not cheap but the improvement was worth it.

  For new Walters customers are paying in the $5500.00 dollar range give
or take a thousand dollars so I would recommend paying substantially less
than this for a used one and a great deal less if it has Pratt and Read
parts. Hope this helps.

Brent Fischer, Piano Technician
School of Music, Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona 85287-0405
602/965-6760 FAX 602/965-2659 Msg 602/965-3371

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