problem embarrased

Warren Fisher
Tue, 08 Jul 1997 17:36:17 -0700

James, If you get two nuts that fit the bolt (3 would be better)and
screw them on to the bolt, then tighten them against each other with two
wrenches, the you can use a pipe wrench to back the screw out of the
leg. Stand on the pipe wrench and get some help to turn the leg.

Hope this helps,


pianoman wrote:
> Dear list,
> Here is a new one on me.
> I repaired a screwon type piano leg that has the screw going into the leg
> and the other end is a bolt end that screws into a 1/2" nut in the keybed.
> The wood had stripped out and I brought it back to the shop to repair.  I
> epoxied the screw end into the leg but forgot to check if enough of the the
> bolt end stuck out and would reach the nut in the keybed.  It doesn't.  I
> need about 1/8" to 1/4" more thread out of the leg.
> Anyone know how I can temporarily release the epoxies' hold on the leg bolt
> to turn it out a little more.  Are there any solvents or would heating the
> bolt end do it?  Any help?
> I am really looking foolish on this one.
> James Grebe
> R.P.T. from St. Louis
> "Business is like an automobile.  If not guided it goes downhill easiest"DH

Home of the Humor List
Warren D. Fisher
Registered Piano Technician
Piano Technicians Guild
New Orleans Chapter 701

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