Hawkeye Harriet

Phil Bondi tito@peganet.com
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 23:55:41 -0400 (EDT)

..as a child, i'm SURE i annoyed our tuner.. i have Perfect Pitch( and I'll
argue it with anyone) and as a child, ya think ya know more than the tuner
'cause you can tell it's flat before he gets there!!

..as an adult, i just let the guy go about his business..conversing once in
a while, but not everytime..

..as a new business person like yourself, I too am eager to please..and
pleasing the customer is what we all want to do..if ya have to spend a
little more time there NOW, but she is willing to tune her piano every 6
months, hell, after a while you won't even know she's there, or she'll go do
something else, because you will have gained her trust, in MY opinion...i
hope to have a couple of people like this on my roster in the near
future..hell, every 6 months?..it can't fall that much in 6 months..can

..besides, i like talking to people..it's part of my job.


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