Raising Shop Prices(non-technical)

Lance Lafargue lafargue@iamerica.net
Mon, 4 May 1998 19:35:33 -0500

I don't want to beat a dead horse, but wanted to share my experience today
to remind others as it reminded me.....  I brought my vehicle into the shop
to do an 85,000 mile check-up/maintenance and find the cause of a slow leak
in my radiator.  It cost me $60.90 to find out that it would be $1400.00
plus tax to fix all that was needed.  (I knew I shouldn't buy a Chevy
Suburban for the family!)  The shop rate was $56.00, it supposedly took 'em
an hour to find the problems, and I don't have the $1400 now.  My shop rate
just went up!!
Lance Lafargue, RPT
New Orleans Chapter
Covington, LA.

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