Caster Cups -Reply

Tue, 5 May 1998 10:04:00 EDT

In a message dated 5/5/98 12:56:08 AM Central Daylight Time,

<< > For the sake of perspective,
 > raising the lid on a grand makes 1db difference.  
 > Steve 
 > Yamaha
 Only one db?  I would have thought more!
 David Ilvedson, RPT >>

I would have thought so too.  One can obviously tell the difference whether
the lid is open or closed.  I seem to recall that it takes about 3 db to have
a perceivable difference in volume.  Maybe there is more to it than volume.
There would be a difference in the higher harmonics.  If volume is being
measured, is it over the entire spectrum or a sampled amount in the middle?
If the latter, then louder and higher harmonics must be more than just 1 db

   Although I have no way of proving the difference caster cups make, my ears
tell me there is a difference.  I wouldn't consider having a piano up on a
hotel platform without some support under it.  I wonder why Del doesn't think
this concept has anything to do with reality?

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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