Pianotech Live Chat

John Musselwhite musselj@cadvision.com
Tue, 26 May 1998 10:08:42 -0600

Hello Everyone:

This is the reminder of our regular Tuesday and Thursday night live chat on
Starlink.  (**Please note: "Starlink" and "Starlink-IRC are separate
networks**). There is generally someone in the  #pianotech Channel from
8:30 PM to 1:30 AM (or so) Eastern Standard time.

This is an exciting opportunity to interact with other technicians
worldwide in real time. On either of the two nights you may run into many
people whom you may know from these lists and conventions. Discussions
range from shop talk about tools and techniques to piano design and of
course, using the Internet. Additional "rooms" can be set up at any time
for mini-technicals or private discussions if required.

For those with WWW access, complete information about the IRC channel can
be found on the excellent "Official #Pianotech WWW Page" at:


The IRC Piano page has links to where you can download IRC clients for
Windows and the Mac if you do not currently have a program that allows you
to connect to us on IRC. Information for AOL users and the addresses of IRC
"servers" that carry #pianotech are listed. Regular participants can have
their information on the page by sending the info to David at
Many thanks to Kathleen and David Vanderhoofven for developing and hosting
the page.

If anyone has any questions, please EMail myself or David unless you feel
the group might be interested. Live chat is a great way to exchange ideas
or just spend some time in friendly conversation with like-minded people.

We're hoping to see some of you Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings (or ANY
night!)  in  #pianotech on Starlink (not to be confused with Starlink-IRC).

John Musselwhite, RPT  
Calgary, Alberta Canada 

This PTG archive page provided courtesy of Moy Piano Service, LLC