pitch lowering

Warren Fisher fish@communique.net
Thu, 28 May 1998 09:34:39 -0700


I remember Dr. Sanderson talking about a one-third offset also, but it
was regarding the difference in offset needed whether you strip-muted
the entire piano or tuned all three strings as you go.  More offset is
needed on a pitch change if you tune the middle string throughout and
then go back and do unisons as you would in a tuning.  He recommended
one-quarter offset when raising strings as you go, and one third for
strip-muters. Personally, I think strip-muting for a pitch adjustment is
a waste of time.

Incidently, we usually get a lot of sharp pianos in soggy New Orleans
this time of year, but because of "El-whatever" I was finding them all
winter!!!  We had a flash flood in November for God's sake!!

I like using the SAT for a "lowering" rather than "topping" off the high
spots because it maintains the stretch curve throughout the area and the
adjustment varies according to the amount of sharpness.  Then when you
tune it, any new adjustments are small and uniform.


Rob Stuart-Vail wrote:
> Thanks, Paul.....
> That factor of 3 is something  I got from Al Sanderson many years ago, and
> it has worked well for me.
> Rob

Warren D. Fisher
Registered Piano Technician
Piano Technicians Guild
New Orleans Chapter 701

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